Makerspace & Learning Centre

Welcome to the Author Community Makerspace and Learning Centre of SOE PublishingLab

Here you find a growing amount of content, a forum and support for SOE PublishingLab. Everything that takes you into a whole new epoch of book publishing and UX Design.

Learning Centre

Here you learn and practice to develop interactive books and even to empower printed books with interactive features. The Learning Centre includes the hands on interactive book chapters where you learn best practices of how to develop interactive books and UX Design in general. For the Learning Centre no login is required.

InteraQtive Books in the Learning Centre

interaQtive Book: Learning Design in Practice for Everybody


The interaQtive book is based on the printed hardcover book and ebook with som some updates and a transformed chapter (4) that is now more directly focused on best practice to develop interactive books. It is totally four chapters with loads of engaging interactive features and tasks of trends and best practices to develop interactive books and UX design in general.

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Free Membership in the Author Community Makerspace

You get unlimited access to free membership content and to create interactive books.

On this Makerspace Community site to try out to create interactive books only the simple layout is activated. This means that You use the Interactive Book feature in the Interactive Content menu that includes an easy to use interface with loads of integrated interactive features. On this community site you cannot publish Your book outside the community and not sell it, but you can easily copy Your book to a Premium Account whenever you like. You can choose between different Premium Account options: Personal Makerspace, Theme-based Community Makerspace, and soon also Makerspace for your Organisation.

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