Now we can offer the first reviews of how interactive books from our platform Storyteller on eLearningworld (SOE) can be developed. The opportunities and possible combinations are endless. With loads of interactive features, fully integrated gamification and multimedia to boost your story, add new dimensions of inspiration and improve learning efficiency. The books can be published in three formats; progressive interactive books, native (downloadable) interactive books and interactive book online.
Interactive Book Design and Oliver Twist
The first samples of interactive books are the introduction to “Interactive Book Design” including multimedia and interactive tasks. And the other is four chapters of Oliver Twist as an audio- and textbook with interactive features. These samples require no login and are published as an interactive book online. Next week you can also download it as a progressive interactive book and native interactive book.
The formats of an interactive book
An PROGRESSIVE INTERAQTIVE BOOK the iReader (the user/reader of an interactive book) can use Off- and Online for in all kinds of devices. This includes PCs with Windows 10, PCs with Linux, MacBooks, and Chromebooks as well as Android devices, iPhone and iPad. The iReader download the book to the home screen by using the Chrome browser for all devices except for iPad and iPhone where Safari is used. Full download description can be found here.
NATIVE INTERAQTIVE BOOK is a fully installed format for Android devices, iPhone and iPad. It works to a large extent as an app.
INTERAQTIVE BOOK ONLINE works with most modern browsers like Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Edge, and Safari. Where the books can be published on the web directly like the samples above. or in the platform’s book layout for which login is required.
So please review and enjoy, and do not hesitate to contact us with your thoughts of interactive books in general and the books available from our platform. You can contact us via the form and next week also via chat that is available here on the Thanks in advance!
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