Next week we are launching the FREE DEMO of SOE PublishingLab where You can learn about and try out the platform for interactive books. The demo includes the interaQtive book Learning Design in Practice for Everybody by the developer of SOE PublishingLab, LarsGoran Bostrom. The book includes three of four chapters of the printed version of the book, and in addition including loads of interactive features for learning and try out. Chapter 4 of the printed book has been transformed to a hands on and best practice interactive guide of how to create interactive books including to try it out on the platform.
The next step for You after finishing the demo is to register a free trial account to start developing your interactive book. The free trial account can be for either a personal account or an organisation account. Or you can register to one of our theme-based community-sites where authors that is writing and creating about same subject work with their interactive books and then sell them.
The formats of the interactive books are:
- Simple Layout
- Advanced Layout
- Community sites for interactive books (simple layout)
- Interactive features for Printed books (Advanced layout)
More information is on the way and at the launch of SOE PublishingLab DEMO we will be available to chat and give real time support. On November 19 we are attending the Kronoberg Book Faire in Växjö to inform about the platform as well as offering our books. We would very much like to meet You if You are in the neighbourhood of Växjö.